Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi recruitments 2025: Apply online 163 specialties Senior Residents

By jobfindinfo / December 28, 2024

ABVIMS & Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi, for and on behalf of President of India, invites applications from Indian Nationals in the prescribed form (Annexure-I) for the post of Senior Residents on regular basis in the various specialties of this hospital as per details given below:-

. NoDepartmentVacancy CatoWise Break U of Post
   sc STOBCEWS *
 ransfusion Medicine Blood Bank) 00  01 000201
 ardiac Anesthesia 05  00 0001 
 Dental0100  00 000001
 Endocrinology0501  01  0201
 ENT0201  00 0001 
 Forensic Medicine 02  01 01  
 astroenterology0301     0101
 bst. & Gynecology0502    0102 
 Medicine16   03 020301
10.Microbiology0201  00 0001 
l l.Neonatology1505  02 02 02
1 2.phthalmology 01  oo  0201
13.rthopedics0501  01 010200
14.Pediatrics1905  02 000903
15.Pathology 03  00 000001
16.PMR0302  00 0100 
1 7.Radiology1303  03 01 02
1 8.Dermatology0301  00 0101 
19.urgery 02  02 000302
20.nesthesia3208  03 0516 
21.natomy01   01 0000 
22.ommunity Medicine03  00000201
23.Physiology0100 000100
25.Respiratory Medicine0101oooo0000


Important Dates
Starting date and time for submission of Application26/12/2024 or Date of publication of advertisement as well on the Hospital web-site)
Last date and time of submission of Application15/01/2025 till 03:00 PM. Venue: Central Diary & Dispatch Section, Near Gate No. 3, ABVIMS & Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi110001.
Date of uploading the list of rejected applications04/02/2025 (Tuesday) (All representations regarding rejection should be submitted through email only, latest by 08/02/2025). The Hospital email ID will be mentioned in the rejection list.
Date of uploading of Admit Card13/02/2025 (Thursday)
Date of Written examination23/02/2025 (Sunday)
Date of declaration of marks obtained by the candidates24/02/2025 (Monday)
Date of declaration of result (Categorywise)27/02/ 2025 (Thursday)
Date of Assessment    of shortlisted candidatesWill be displayed in the Admit card

Note: The dates mentioned above are subject to change due to administrative reasons, if any, which will be displayed on the hospital web-site only (www.rm/h.nic.in).

By jobfindinfo / December 28, 2024


  1. 14 posts are reserved for Persons with Loco-motor Disability (PwBD-Orthopaedically).
  2. 17 posts are reserved for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS). The Vacant Posts of EWS category will be filled by UR category if the EWS category applications are not received. (*UR Candidates may apply in EWS Category but will be considered as UR, only if the EWS applications are not received against the particular vacancy).
  3. The number of vacancies indicated above is provisional as per the applicable roster, which may increase or decrease at the time of assessment/final selection. This is subject to change without any notice.
  4. The wait-list of above category will be operational as per the rule.
  5. Eligibility:
    1. Candidates who have passed MBBS/BDS with PG Degree/Diploma/DNB in concerned specialty recognized by NMC and having registered with Delhi Medical Council/Delhi Dental Council or applied for registration will be eligible for examination only. However, permanent DMC/DDC registration certificate for PG/DNB/Diploma is mandatory at the time of joining.
    1. The candidate should complete the tenure of PG Degree/Diploma/DNB on or before the last date of submission of application.
  6. Pay Scale:

Revised Pay Matrix Level-Il (Rs. 67700-208700/-), under CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 at the entry level. Allowances, as admissible, will be paid.

  • Age Limit:
    • Not exceeding 45 years (relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC) on or before the last date of submission of application.
    • Age relaxation of 10 years for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) for UR, 15 years for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC candidates.
  • Reservation:

All reservations will be considered in the above posts strictly in accordance with prescribed norms/rules.

  1. SC/ST candidates should submit a copy of valid community/caste certificate along with the application form.
    1. OBC candidates should submit a valid OBC Certificate as per 0M No. 36036/2/2013-Estt.(Res-1) dated 31.03.2016 of DOPT, Ministry of Personal & Public Grievances & Pensions, New Delhi with non creamy layer certificate issued in the current financial year.
    1. EWS candidates should submit a copy of Income & Asset Certificate as per DOPT 0M No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res) dated 31.01.2019. The crucial date for submitting income and asset certificate by the candidates is the closing date for receipt of application for the post. Therefore, EWS candidate must ensure that they have a valid EWS certificate issued on or after 01.04.2024.
    1. Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) to produce/submit a certificate issued by a competent medical authority.
  2. Terms & Conditions:-
    1. Application should be submitted in the Central Diary & Dispatch Section, Near Gate No. 3, ABVIMS & Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi-IIOOOI, latest by 15/01/2025 till 03:00 PM.

Application should be accompanied by a latest passport size photograph, copy of fee receipt, self attested copies of all documents should be delivered/received, either through Post or by Hand, in the name of the Director & Medical Superintendent. The application send by Post must be having written prominently on the top of the envelop “Application for the Post of Senior Resident (Non-Academic) department. The Hospital will not be responsible for any Postal delay.

  • Application fee of Rs. 800/- (Rupees eight hundred only) should be submitted by the candidates applying for UR and OBC posts. The fee is non-refundable. No fee is required for EWS/SC/ST and PwBD candidates. Application fee is to be paid through NEFT and RTGS or online transferred to the below mentioned account:
Account Name:Medical Superintendent — Digital Payment Account.
Bank Branch/ Add:Bank of Baroda, Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi – 110001
Account No.:26020200000382
IFSC:BARBORAMDEL (fifth letter is “ZERO”)

The candidates must attach copy of the Payment Receipt (UTR No.) with the application form. If any candidate failed to attach the payment receipt with the application form, his/her application will be summarily rejected and no

communication will be entertained in this regard. The date of fee receipt acknowledgement will be from the date of publication of notification till the last date of submission of the application form.

  • Incomplete application in any respect will not be considered. All previous applications received in this hospital will be treated as cancelled and only application in response to this Advertisement in the Prescribed form (Annexure-I) will be considered.
    • The list of rejected candidates, after screening of the applications, will be displayed on the Hospital website (www.rm/h.nic.in) latest by 04/02/2025. Representation, if any, regarding the rejection of application should be sent through email only latest by 08/02/2025. The Hospital email ID will be mentioned/provided in the rejection list. No other form of representation will be entertained after the date as mentioned above.
    • Crucial date of determination of eligibility with regard to age and all aspects will be last date of submission of the application.
    • The selection will be based on Screening test and Assessment on the basis of the following:
    • The screening test/written exam duration will be for one hour, based on the MCQs for the maximum marks of 60.
    • Weightage of assessment will be 40 marks, out of which:
    • Publication (01 marks for each) — Maximum Marks 04.
    • Presentation of paper in CME/ Conference etc. (01 Marks for each) Maximum Marks 03.
    • Distinction / Awards / Medals during MBBS/BDS & MD/MS/MDS (01 marks for each) — Maximum 03 marks.
    • One (01) mark awarded for each correct answer and a negative marking of 1/4 (0.25) mark for each wrong answer.
    • No negative marking for the non-attempted question.
    • The marks obtained by the candidates will be displayed on hospital web-site on the next working day after the screening test / written examination.
    • The list of qualified candidates (category-wise) for assessment will be displayed on Hospital web-site within three days of the screening test / written examination.
    • Candidates three times the number of vacancies (or less if not available) who qualify screening test will be called for assessment.
    • Final merit list will be prepared on the basis of combined marks obtained in screening/written test and assessment.
    • The candidates equal to number of vacancies available will be recommended for selection in each category.
    • The list of wait-list candidates equal to number of vacancies will also be displayed, provided such numbers of qualified candidates are available in each category.
  • OBC Candidates should submit a valid OBC Certificate as per Annexure-Il with required validity as mentioned at para 5 (b) above.
  • The tenure of Senior Resident is for 03 (three) years, including any service rendered earlier as Senior Resident on Ad-hoc/Regular basis in any Govt. institution. Under no circumstances, the total period of Senior Residency shall exceed three years. The appointment will be initially for the period of one year, which could be extended up to for a period of three years on annual basis, subject to the satisfactory work and conduct report.
  • By jobfindinfo / December 28, 2024

Other service conditions will be applicable as per service condition prescribed from time to time by the Government of India.

  • The candidate who is already in Govt. Service should submit a “No Objection Certificate” from the present employer along with the application form.
  • Inter hospital/lnter Institutional transfer shall not be permitted.

The candidates must submit the copy of following documents (self-attested) along with the application form:

Certificate in support of age (10th class passing certificate). ii. Internship completion certificate. iii. MBBS/BDS Degree.

  1. P.G. Degree/Diploma/DNB/Provisional Pass Certificate from University.
    1. DMC/DDC Registration certificate for PG/DNB/Diploma as prescribed in clause 2 a.
    1. Caste/Community/Disability/EWS Certificate wherever applicable.
    1. OBC Certificate only as per Annexure-Il with required validity as mentioned at para 5 (b) above.
    1. NOC from present employer (if employed). ix. Adhaar and PAN card.

x. Copy of fee receipt.

  • The candidates must submit the application in the prescribed form (Annexure-I) and paste recent passport size photograph on it. All the documents must be selfattested including his/her photograph on the application form.
  • Candidate is permitted to apply for one (01) department only.
  • Candidate should bring copy/proof of publication, presentation of paper in CME/ conference and distinction/awards/medals during MBBS/BDS and MS/MD/MDS/DNB/Diploma, if any, at the time of Assessment.
  • The candidates are advised to ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria as mentioned in the advertisement.
  • The competent authority reserves the right to verify the authenticity of the Certificates submitted along with the application form. If found incorrect, the candidature will be rejected without any further notice.

Jurisdiction of Dispute: In case of any legal dispute the jurisdiction of court will be Delhi/New Delhi only.

  • Appointment to selected/wait-list candidates will be given only after the verification of the original documents.
    • The competent authority reserves the right of any amendment, cancellation and changes to this advertisement as a whole or in part without assigning any reason, thereof.
    • No TA/DA will be paid for this purpose.

7. The candidates are advised to see the Hospital web-site (www.rm/h.nic.in) frequently for any amendment, corrigendum, list of rejected applications, list of accepted applications, admit card, date of screening test/written examination, date of assessment, list of selected candidates and offer of appointments.

Note: A.B.V.I.M.S. & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi will not make individual communication to any candidate. Any update/amendment will be uploaded on Dr. RML Hospital official Web-site only view details

✅ Important and Useful Links:

Notification Details And websiteClick here for more information
Notice PDFClick here

➢ The closing date for registration of online applications is 15/01/2025 till 03:00 PM.

By jobfindinfo / December 28, 2024

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