ONGC Green Limited (OGL) Recruitment 2024-25: Apply online multiple vacancies

 By jobfindinfo/ December 27, 2024

online Registration of Application starts from : 24.12.2024 at 10:00

Basic information: The ONGC Green Limited (OGL) Bangalore invites Online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for recruitment of the multiple vacancies across different positions in the renewable energy sector. Here’s a summary of the available posts, number of vacancies, and annual salary:

Post NameVacanciesAnnual Salary (CTC)
Associate Manager – Operations and Maintenance (Wind)1Rs. 22.00 Lakh per annum
Senior Manager – Commercial, Bidding and Traffic Determination1Rs. 33.00 Lakh per annum
Manager – Project1Rs. 27.50 Lakh per annum
Associate Vice President – Manager and Acquisitions and Business Development (Renewable Energy)1Rs. 60.50 Lakh per annum

Instructions for submission of online application the posts advertised in Advt.

No.1/2024 (OGL HR-ER) for Fixed Term Engagement basis in ONGC Green Ltd.

  1. For the convenience of candidates, we recommend Candidates to submit their applications well before the deadline. OGL shall not be accountable if candidates are not able to submit their applications due to the any last-minute submission issues. 
  2. Please keep a copy of your registration form for future reference. 
  3. Please do not send hard copy of the registration form or any other documents to the office of OGL. 
General Instructions:
1. Read the Instructions carefully,
2. Before proceeding further to fill the online application form, candidate is requested to read the detailed advertisement carefully.
3. The number of vacancies is tentative and may increase or decrease at sole discretion of OGL
4. OGL is not charging any application fee for registration purpose
5. Vacancies in this advertisement are not reserved for any category. However, reserved category candidate may also apply provided he / she fulfills the criteria for unreserved category. He / She shall be treated at par with unreserved category candidates in the selection process for the vacancies. Category once filled by candidate in the online application form will not be changed.
6. Before starting to fill up the on-line application, the candidate should keep at hand the following details:-  Mobile number & E-mail ID in which the OTP will be sent for completing the registration process.  Scanned copy of recent passport size color photograph of the candidate preferably on white background. (Not more than 200 KB size)  Signature of the candidate on a small white background (Not more than 200 KB size)  Copies of Resume/CV, qualification degree, final marksheets & Experience Certificates. (Refer detailed advertisement for list of documents required) Supporting document for relevant experience for the posts. Contact details (Name, Mobile No. & email id) of 02 contact persons who can be contacted for verifying the experience of the candidate in a particular organisation vi. Size of pdf file shall not exceed 10 MB for each file
How to Apply:
I. Candidates should have a valid personal e-mail ID and mobile number. It should be kept active during the entire process. Registration number, password, and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered e-mail ID (please ensure that email sent to this mailbox is not redirected to your junk / spam folder).
  • We hereby bring to the notice of every stakeholder not to fall victim to the fictitious claims of unscruplous sources including websites offering employment opportunities/jobs in OGL 
  • A candidate can apply for only one out of the four posts mentioned in the advertisement, for which he/she is eligible.
  • A Candidate can submit the application only once and this submission shall be final for consideration of candidature. 
Important Dates  
Opening Date for Online Registration of24/12/2024 (From 10:00 AM)
Last date and time for close of registration    07/01/2025 (till 11:59 PM)
II.The application form has multiple sections. Once the application is submitted it cannot be modified hence, candidates should take utmost care to furnish and check details before submitting the online application.
III.The step-by-step process for submitting the application form for this advertisement is given below:  Step-I: Registration in New Registration Section.   Step-II: Re-Login in Login as Existing user section to complete the form.
IV.Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn. However, OGL Management reserves the right to cancel the exercise fully / partially at any stage at its discretion.
STEP-I Registration/Sign up
a. The candidate should fill up all the desired information i.e. Personal Details, Contact Details etc. correctly in the New Registration Section  
b. Sign-up by filling-up, Name of applicant, E-mail ID, Mobile Number, Date of Birth and password (of minimum 8 characters) to be set by candidate.  Once these fields (except password) are submitted they cannot be modified after registration, hence, candidates should check these details while registering. After generating OTP, the candidates will need to submit an OTP (One Time Password) sent on their E-mail ID and registered mobile number. Thereafter, Registration number will be generated. Please note Registration number for future reference. 
STEP-II : Filling-up of Application
a. After sign-up, candidate has to Click on “Login as Existing user” tab and login with E-mail ID and password set by the candidate in Step-I. 
b. Candidate has to fill the detail for each of the following section:  General Form  Essential Qualification  Desirable Qualification (optional)  Post Qualification Experience  Personal Details    The following is an indicative list of documents to be uploaded (as applicable) during registration to meet the criteria as per advertised requirements
 S. No.ParticularsDetails 
1Identity ProofPAN Card Aadhar Card Photograph Signature Class X Marksheet or Class X Passing Certificate for proof of Name and Date of Birth (Name appearing in all the documents should be in conformity)
2Educational QualificationEssential Qualification Degree Desirable Qualification Degree / Certificate
3Work Experience (To be uploaded as a single file in chronological order)Offer of appointment / Offer Letter, Joining Order, Confirmation Letter, Order of completion of training etc. Role assignment order, Promotion order, Transfer order, etc. Service certificate, Experience certificate, Relieving letter etc. 02 payslips per year for all organizations/companies where candidate has mentioned his / her experience Form 16 for each year for all organizations/companies where candidate has mentioned his / her experience Any other document clearly indicating the nature & tenure of experience in the relevant area in line with the advertised requirements
4Caste / Disability CertificateDisability Certificate as per specified format  SC / ST as per specified format (required only for candidates with disability)  
    c. OBC certificate as per specified format (required only for candidates with disability) 
c. Instructions regarding scanning of the documents, Photograph/ Signature and certificate:-  Candidates should upload the required documents in all applicable fields. The size of files (other than photograph and signature) should be up to 10 MB in pdf format only.  For scanned (digital) image of their photograph, signature only Jpg/jpeg format is acceptable. For the Photograph and Signature Image please follow the points mentioned below:  Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture preferably on white background (not older than 03 weeks)  The applicant has to sign on white paper with Black/Blue ink pen.  The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.  Size of file should be up to 100 kb in Jpg/jpeg/png format only. 
d. After uploading Photograph, Signature and relevant documents, Click on “Submit” tab. Once the application is submitted, registration form will be generated. Candidates are advised to keep this safe for future reference. 
e. In case of any Technical queries/ clarifications relating to the filling up of Online Application, please feel free to contact the Helpdesk at Email:  

ONGC Green Limited (OGL) Recruitment 2024 Eligibility

The ONGC Green Limited (OGL) offers various positions in the renewable energy sector with specific educational qualifications and age limits for each role. Here’s a summary of the post names, required educational qualifications, and age limits:

Post NameEducation RequiredAge Limit
Associate Manager – Operations and Maintenance (Wind)Degree in electrical/mechanical engineering; Postgraduate in renewable energy or MBA (desirable)40 years
Senior Manager – Commercial, Bidding and Traffic DeterminationDegree in mechanical/electrical engineering; Postgraduate in renewable energy or MBA (desirable)45 years
Manager – ProjectDegree in electrical/mechanical/civil engineering; Postgraduate in renewable energy or MBA (desirable)40 years
Associate Vice President – Manager and Acquisitions and Business Development (Renewable Energy)Degree in engineering/finance; MBA or PGDM (IIM) preferred45 years

Selection Process for ONGC Green Recruitment 2024:

The selection of candidates will be based on a combination of qualifications, work experience, and a personal interview. A merit list will be prepared, and shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. Communication regarding the interview details will be sent via email or SMS to the candidates. The final selection will be made based on performance in the interview and assessment of relevant qualifications and experience.

By jobfindinfo/ December 27, 2024

Application Process for ONGC Green Recruitment 2024:

Interested and eligible candidates can apply online through the official ONGC Green website. The application form must be submitted before the last date, 07th January 2025. Candidates should ensure that they provide accurate information and upload the necessary documents while filling out the online application. Applications submitted through any other mode will not be considered. It is important to complete the application process well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues.

ONGC Green OGL Recruitment 2024 Important Dates

The application process for ONGC Green Recruitment 2024 has already started, and the last date to submit applications is 7th January 2025. Candidates should ensure they apply before the deadline, as no applications will be accepted after this date. The interview date will be notified later to the shortlisted candidates via email or SMS.

Important Dates

Advertisement Details

S. No.DetailsDate
1Online registration process starts on24th December 2024 10:00
2Online registration process ends on07th January 2025 23:59
3Instructions for ApplicationClick here for details

✅ Important and Useful Links:

Notification DetailsClick the link
Online applyClick here
Official website ONGC site

By jobfindinfo/ December 27, 2024

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