By jobfindinfo / December 26, 2024
ESIC Medical college PGIMSR & Model Hospital, Rajajinagar, Bangalore invites Online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for recruitment of the posts of unfilled Medical Teaching Faculty vacancy – Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the disciplines mentioned below on contract basis through walk-in interview to be scheduled on 07.01.2025.
The details of vacancies and reservation position is as under:
PROFESSOR | ||||||
Sl. No | Department | No. of Vacancy | Reservation Category | |||
1 | Dermatology | 01 | UR | |||
2 | General Medicine | 01 | SC | |||
3 | Otorhinolaryngology | 01 | ST | |||
TOTAL | 03 | |||||
Sl. No | Department | No. of Vacancy | Reservation Category | |||
1 | Emergency Medicine | 01 | UR | |||
2 | Otorhinolaryngology | 01 | UR | |||
3 | Pathology | 01 | OBC | |||
4 | Psychiatry | 01 | UR | |||
5 | Radio – Diagnosis | 02 | OBC-1,ST-1 | |||
6 | Forensic Medicine | 01 | ST | |||
7 | OBG | 01 | UR | |||
8 | Ophthalmology | 01 | UR | |||
TOTAL | 09 | |||||
Sl. No | Department | No. of Vacancy | Reservation Category | |||
01 | Pathology | 01 | UR-01 | |||
02 | OBG | 01 | ST-1 | |||
TOTAL | 02 | |||||
*The posts are reserved, as per guidelines of Central Government.
Only in case of Non-availability of candidates for faculty positions in a particular reserved category, the available meritorious candidate may be given offer of engagement for a period of 44 days at the sole discretion of the Appointing Authority.
Emergency Medicine- MD/DNB/PG Diploma/in Emergency Medicine (Preferably) OR MS in General Surgery, MD in Anesthesia, MD in General Medicine, MD in Respiratory Medicine, MS in Orthopedics (In case of non availability of candidates who possess MD in Emergency Medicine).
Transfusion Medicine: Only Faculty with eligible Academic qualification and teaching experience will be permitted to attend the interview. Note:
- Number of vacancies are provisional and may increase or decrease depending on actual requirement.
- In case of non-availability of reserved candidate’s vacancies will be filled against any other category to meet mandatory MCI/NMC requirement.
- ESIC reserves right to cancel the recruitment process at any stage at its discretion and such decisions will be binding on all concerned.
- Age relaxation is applicable to reserved candidates as per rules in force.
- Candidates claiming reservation on grounds of OBC should submit the community certificate in updated original as per Annexure – A, as prescribed vide Govt. of India, Dept. of personnel and training O.M No 36036/2/2013Estt. (Res.) dated 30.05.2014 failing which benefits of reservation/age relaxation will not be given. Certificate issued in other format will not be accepted and candidate will be treated as general category for all purpose.
- 5. Eligibility criteria and other Important Information relating to the contractual engagement is as follows:
- Academic qualification and teaching experience to be eligible for engagement is as per the “Minimum Qualifications for Teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations, 1998” as amended and applicable as on date to the respective posts (Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor) – (As per MCI/NMC Rules).
- Age Limit: Not exceeding 67 years as on date of reporting for interview.
- Pay & Allowances – (Other than retired Army Medical Teachers)
1. The consolidated remuneration will be paid as under as per ESIC Hqrs’ Office Memorandum No. Z-17/11/1/2007/MED. IV (Pt. file) dated 13.04.2022.& OM No Z11012/51/2022-MED-VI (Pt. file) dated 08.12.2022.
Post | Pay |
Professor | Rs. 2,49,561/- |
Associate Professor | Rs. 1,65,953/- |
Assistant Professor | Rs. 1,42,576/- |
** Plus other allowances as entitled.
2. The consolidated remuneration under “SRESTA” Scheme for retired Army Doctors
(Teaching – Broad Specialty) who meet the eligibility criteria for Faculty posts is as Under:-
Post | Pay |
Asst. Professor – (Consultant) | Rs. 1.2 Lakhs, if the post-PG experience is under 3 years. Rs. 1.42 Lakhs, if the post-PG teaching experience is 3 years or more. |
Associate Professor- (Consultant) | Rs. 1.42 Lakhs, if the post-PG experience is under 6 years. Rs. 1.88 Lakhs, if the post-PG teaching experience is 6 years or more. |
Professor-(Consultant) | Rs. 1.88 Lakhs, if the post-PG teaching experience is under 9 years. Rs. 2.0 Lakhs, if the post-PG teaching experience is 9 years to under 13 years. Rs. 2.2 lakh, if post-PG teaching experience is 13 years or more. |
- No Private practice is allowed during the tenure of service in ESIC.
- In case of engagement of retired employees/pensioners, they may be allowed to draw full consolidated remuneration without any deduction as it is not a case of re-employment in terms of Central Civil Services (Fixation of Pay of Re-employed Pensioner) Orders 1986 and retired employees/pensioners can continue to draw pension and dearness relief on pension during their period of contractual engagement.
(iii)Retirees from Central/State Govt./PSU from the equivalent posts are eligible to apply. Persons working in recognized / approved private Medical Institutions fulfilling eligibility criteria for the post may also apply.
D. Terms of Contract:
(i) The contract would initially for a period of Three Years at the outset, with a provision of further extension for a period of two years.
The incumbent would serve the initial first year of contract, independent of regular Faculty joining during this period and the contract would be extendable on Yearly basis subject to satisfactory performance, requirement of the post, availability of vacancy, appointment/joining of the regular incumbents etc. The
Appointment shall not confer any right or preference for regular appointment.
Further, such appointments also subject to medical fitness. However, the
contract would be terminable on One Month notice, on joining of regular faculty in the subsequent years of contract.
( ii) The contractual engagement will be subject to the following:
- Barring serious misconduct/irregularity, continuation of the incumbent would be based on satisfactory annual appraisal.
- The contractual engagement will be terminated giving One Month Notice on either side.
- The incumbent would serve the initial first year of contract, independent of regular
Faculty joining during this period. However, the contract would be terminable on One Month notice, on joining of regular faculty in the subsequent years of contract.
- Candidates selected to the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor have to deposit an amount of Rs. 1,00,000/- as Security Deposit. The security deposit will be forfeited in case the selected candidate resigns/leaves within one year of reporting.
- Other terms and conditions will be applicable as issued by the Competent Authority from time to time.
- This is being a contractual appointment, absence for period beyond 15 days will be treated as abandonment of duty and the contract will be terminated without any reason and security deposit will be forfeited.
- In case the selected candidate resigns, he/she has to serve one Month Notice period or have to pay one month salary.
- Leave entitled for only 2.5 days leave per month after Completion of a month as per ESIC Standing instructions/Rules/Regulations for such category of contractual employees.
E. The following testimonials should be submitted at the time of Walk-in- Interview :
- Two copy of recent self-attested passport size photograph.
- Self-attested copies of certificates and testimonials in support of proof of age (Date of Birth), Educational Qualification, Experience and Research Papers, Publications etc.
- Original certificates and testimonials in support of proof of age (Date of Birth), Educational Qualifications, Experience and Research Papers, Publications, PG Course recognition Certificate etc., should be submitted at the time of interview.
(iv)Certificate issued by competent medical board in respect of Persons with Bench Mark Disabilities.
(v) Candidates seeking reservation benefits under SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PWD category must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the notice and as per the instructions issued by Govt. of India. They should also produce original certificates in the prescribed format of Govt. of India in support of their claim.
(vi)UG & PG Teacher certificates and PG Guide certificate should be submitted at the time of interview
Persons working in Central Government/State Government/Central Autonomous bodies/State Autonomous bodies/Central PSUs/State PSUs/have to produce no objection certificate from their employer at the time of document verification.
F. How to Apply :-
- Application shall be downloaded from the website of ESIC viz.
Click here for more information
- Selected Candidates should produce all the original documents in respect of all the parameters at the time of Reporting for duty.
- Shortlisted candidates who fails to produce documents or provides false information or any other action contrary to law shall lead to barring the candidate for the Interview and shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage.
H. Selection Procedure:
- The selection will be made on the basis of performance of the candidate in interview before the Selection board.
- Result will be communicated through e-mail and will be displayed on website.
(iii)Selected candidates will have to join immediately after receipt of the Offer of Appointment.
(iv)Upon selection of the candidate fails to report on or before the stipulated last date of joining, his/her appointment stands cancelled and the next eligible candidate will be automatically be deemed selected.
(v) The candidates who have been recognized as “PG Guide”/eligible for “PG Guide” as per the guidelines of Affiliating University/NMC will be given preference for the Walk-In-Interview for the post of Professor and Associate Professor as scheduled in the said Recruitment Notification. The candidates, who have already been recognized as PG guide, shall produce a copy of the PG guide recognition letter issued from the Affiliating University/NMC at the time of Interview.
(vi)If the selected candidates fail to report for duty within the stipulated date of joining, the next eligible candidates will considered for the post from the waiting list.
G. General Instructions:
- Mere submission of application does not confer any right to the candidate to be eligible for interview unless they report on the scheduled date and time.
- Application should be submitted in the prescribed format only. The applications submitted in any other format OR incomplete applications will be summarily rejected.
- The candidates may ascertain their eligibility and report for interview on the scheduled date and time for interview. Candidates reporting after scheduled time will not be allowed to attend the interview process.
- ESIC reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process at any stage at its discretion and such decision will be binding on all concerned.
- Wrong declarations/submission of false information or any other action contrary to law shall lead to cancellation of the candidature at any stage in addition to suitable legal action.
- Opportunity for appearing in the interview given to the candidates is purely on provisional. Joining of the candidates will be subject to detailed scrutiny of eligibility conditions/production of prescribed certificates in case of reservation.
- Equivalent Teaching Experience Certificate issued by DGAFMS for retired Army Medical Teachers at the time of Interview.
Candidates may contact office of the Dean, ESIC Medical College PGIMSR & Model Hospital, Rajajinagar, Bangalore – 560 010 at Landline No. 080-22147815 between 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM from Monday to Friday & 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM on Saturday.
✅ Important and Useful Links:
Notification Details | Click here for details |
Check list | |
Application | Application PDF |
➢ The walk-in interview to be scheduled on 07.01.2025.